In my never-ending hunt for knit-looking crochet projects I stumbled upon a technique called slip-stitch crochet, developed by some few wonderful designers. Typically crochet has a very distinct look due to consisting mostly of a basic double crochet stitch and its variations. But if you look at it from the knitting perspective - the direct equivalent of the knit and purl stitches in knitting are the single crochet and slip stitches. Those can create one of the most spectacularly beautiful crochet patterns I've seen so far in the English-speaking internet.
Dzianina wykonana z półsłupków bądź oczek ścisłych jest bardzo gęsta i sztywna, nawet przy użyciu grubszego szydełka niż sugeruje banderola. Zużywa też więcej włóczki niż ten sam wzór wykonany na drutach. Jeśli jednak ktoś, tak jak ja, zdecydowanie nie czuje się pewnie z drutami w dłoni, jest to świetna opcja, by wykonać naprawdę nietypowe prace.
The fabric created with slip-stitch crochet is very dense and stiff, even if you use a way larger crochet hook than suggested by the producer. It also uses more yarn than the knitted version of the pattern. But - if one, like me, definitely doesn't feel confident around knitting needles, it's an amazing opportunity to create truly unique projects.
Jedną z moich ulubionych projektantek slip-stitch jest Tanja Osswald / LiliTupili:
[Obrazki są linkami do wzorów na Ravelry]
One of my very favourite slip-stitch crochet designers is Tanja Osswald / LiliTupili:
[The pictures are links to Ravelry patterns]
Zdecydowanie warto rozejrzeć się w projektach Vashti Braha / Designing Vashti (nie tylko tych slip-stitch!):
You definitely want to look into Vashti Braha / Designing Vashti designs (not only the slip-stitch ones!):
Carole Marie zaadaptowała kilka drutowych wzorów na szydełko:
Carole Marie translated some knitting patterns into crochet:
No i oczywiście szalenie popularny Critron, adaptacja autorstwa Marthy Simonsen - wzór który obecnie dziergam :)
And finally, the immensely popular Critron, translated from knitting by Martha Simonsen - the pattern I'm currently working on :)
Thank you for adding my designs in your blog xx - Carole Marie Designs - xx
ReplyDeleteThank you for including my designs! You have a lovely blog.
ReplyDelete:-) Vashti